Print matrix in spiral form

someone September 27, 2020
Question : The question is pretty much clear that we have to print the matrix in spiral form. So for this we will take four pointers pointi...Read More

Insertion Sort

someone September 13, 2020
We consider we have two parts in array : 1) Sorted Part 2) Unsorted Part In this algorithm we try to move element from unsorted part to sort...Read More

Git Commands

someone September 08, 2020
Upload local project on GitHub 1) Git Bash in the directory of you project. 2) Type git init to initialize git folder 3) Type git add . to...Read More

Substring Atcoder

someone September 01, 2020
Substring , basically in this question we have to change main string (S) so that substring (T) can fall into it. We will apply naive appr...Read More
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